Grownup stuff. In recent years I've begun believing the words "with the measure you use it will be measured to you" are a real universal principal about how life works. cooperate, or don't at your own risk. Really great to see you stretch out on ideas that you can't really do in your IT work, but that are related and fit for certain readers.

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One of the more interesting things about sports is how it relates to (and even enhances) other aspects of your life ! In this article, you have done that well!

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Great article. I think this perspective is something that just comes with age, experience, and maturity. I've been guilty of this myself, whether it's in politics, sports, or just another department at my company. "Steel-manning" is a great term -- usually there is a good explanation for why someone does something that may not be obvious to an outsider. The president of my company will ask me "why is this button on this web page not working? It's just a button!" But what he doesn't know is that the button is driven by a 15 year old legacy system that Microsoft stopped supporting 8 years ago. It doesn't play nice with the shiny new button we want to add. And we can't fix the broken part because the strategic vision of the company has us focusing our time on onboarding new clients, etc. Same principle applies to a lot of things!

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Interesting perspective. I'm a football coach and my critiques have changed dramatically. Football is too fun and too complicated to get angry at coaches

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As someone who serves on a worship team and doesn't care for football (but grew up playing team sports), this resonates with me so much. And gives me a little more respect for football. This post is fire. Also shout out to the baby on the keys! Adorable!!!!

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Hey Ian…speaking of coaching… interesting fact…as a P5 HC in there first 93 games… the GOAT Saban won 57 and Sark won 51

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“I never allow myself to hold an opinion on anything that I don't know the other side's argument better than they do”. Charlie Munger

Sure has limited my criticism on many things.

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another great read. I was wondering what the heck you were doing up in Michigan.

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It’s always very confusing to people.

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Great stuff

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