Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

I'm a fan of your work (not only a subscriber but also purchased Flyover Football) so I want to be clear this is a response in good-faith. I appreciate this post because I agree with some but found this passage particularly troubling: "In reality, this was an equally partisan statement. In these comments Rivera is attempting to downplay any wrongdoing associated with the George Floyd protests while re-elevating the evil of the Jan. 6 attack."

The reason I find it troubling is because it looks like you're trying to **bothsides** this whereas I respectfully disagree. Black and white protestors asking for black people to not be extra-judicially murdered by police during the George Floyd protests, and domestic white terrorists attempting to overthrow free and fair elections and undermine the core of American democracy because of the previous President's lies, are not the same IMO. Would be interested in your reasoning behind Rivera's statement being equally partisan if you get a chance? And equally partisan of what exactly? American democracy I presume? Thanks!

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